The department of Statistics offers an innovative Certificate in Data Science. Students must complete 5 courses chosen from a menu of Data Science courses that include:

Data Structures and Algorithms 
Data Wrangling and Husbandry 
Statistical Models and Computing 
Financial Data Mining and Machine Learning Methods 
Statistical Learning for Data Science 
Advanced Analytics Using Statistical Software 

Students enrolled in the Financial Statistics and Risk Management (FSRM) M.S. Program or in the Mathematical Finance M.S. Program (MSMF) at Rutgers are automatically eligible to pursue the Certificate in Data Science. Other students interested in pursuing the certificate need to apply and be approved to do so. Graduate students enrolled in other M.S. programs at Rutgers may be able to use up to two courses from their program towards the 5-course requirement provided those courses are related to data science and are approved by the program director.

Special topic concentrations for the certificate curricula is possible with consultation and permission of the Director of the MS in Data Science program.

Please contact the MSDS Program Director if you have any questions regarding the Certificate or your eligibility to pursue it.